The magic of light enjoyed through experience. Our spaces are dots joining the world. Places where you can take refuge, smelling the perfume of our design.
Spazio Davide Groppi
A place where we represent our creations, completely and uncompromisingly, telling our stories of light, showing the alphabet and syntax of our designs. The Davide Groppi store lives in a synergic relationship of space and light, it is a place of encounters, composition, representation and seduction. A total, synaesthetic experience based on the idea of knowing using the five senses.
Spazio Esperienze Davide Groppi
Stores where you can get to know Davide Groppi’s people, words and projects. We believe that offering lights and services to our clients is not enough. We believe in the possibility of making a visit to our Spazio Esperienze (Experience Space) a memorable one.
Space, light, furnishings.
Absence and essence.
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