In a surreal and contemplative context, the environment is transformed into a space with a strong scenic value. As in theater, the created dimension is not static but changes its appearance in the moonlight, and the light adapts to changes. By controlling intensity, location, positioning, color and direction, the light recreates a portion of life and real world, adapts to the stage while respecting the splendor of natural light and enhancing the magic of the night. The glass brick windows are transformed into a backdrop, the light touches them vertically giving depth to the scene and they embrace the moon that appears suspended in the blue vault. On the stage, the clothes constantly change position, the light follows them from above, generating shadows and revealing the fabrics colors through its powerful means of expression. The exhibition space becomes an experience. A tunnel of light with a strong central perspective connects it uninterruptedly with the MONOBI laboratory where clothes are dreamed of.
cf. Chiaroscuro Lighting